Immigration Justice
We believe all people deserve justice regardless of their immigration status. Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church supports the Not 1 More Table and other projects of Coloradans for Immigrant Rights through the work of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
Our church has joined with Together Colorado, a non-partisan, multi-racial, multi-faith community organization comprised of 220 congregations. Immigration reform is one of Together Colorado’s pillars. We organize with them by placing human dignity at the center of public life to protect immigrants and their families whose legal cases clearly reveal the contradictions and moral injustice of our current immigration system, while working to support legislation that would change the political situation of our immigrant neighbors. Our volunteers are provided training in this work and encouraged to bring Together Colorado legislative priorities to the attention of our congregations.
This year we initiated Columbine UU Migrant Support (CMST) in response to the influx of 40,000 migrants being bused to Denver from the southern border. Volunteers provide meals prepared at church, to be delivered along with clothing, hygiene items, and camping gear, to a hotel housing migrants in Denver. Watch for information in our Columbine Connection weekly email newsletter.
Integrated Family Community Services
Columbine UU Church partners with Integrated Family Community Services (IFCS) a local non-profit agency serving low-income families by assisting with food, clothing, information and referral in addition to the programs listed below.
Ready, Set, School! — This is an on-line collection in July to provide a child with a new outfit, backpack, school supplies and a gift certificate for a pair of shoes. This makes all the difference in a child’s life, and the parent’s life too. Sponsor a child and change a life!
The Food Bank at IFSC – This is an ongoing food collection at Columbine. There is a basket in the foyer for non-perishable donations that are delivered to IFCS each week. It is a huge part of the help that Inter-Faith gives to those who need assistance feeding their families.
Turkey Bucks — Thanksgiving is a time when we are thankful for our many blessings, but also a time to think about the people who have few blessings in their lives. IFCS distributes food baskets to their clients, including many home-bound elderly. Baskets include food and “Turkey Bucks”, a King Sooper’s gift card good for a turkey. With our help IFCS brings their mission of Neighbors Helping Neighbors to life for families and seniors.
Christmas Adopt-a-Family — Volunteers sign up on-line to sponsor a family so they can receive holiday gifts, food, and gift cards, and experience the joy of the season. IFCS Christmas Adopt-A-Family makes the holidays truly joyous for many parents, kids and seniors.
Donate the Plate
On the third Sunday of each month, Columbine UU Church shares our entire collection with a non-profit beneficiary. Information about this agency is available in the Columbine Connection and in the Order of Service. If you are unable to attend the service and would like to contribute, mail or deliver your cash or check to the church or donate online. If writing a check, make it out to Columbine UU Church with the notation, “DTP” in the memo line.” Pledge payments will not be shared. Thanks for your generosity!
In 2023 and 2024, we donated to these organizations:
Black Lives Matter 5280, Pauli Murray Center, Global Fund for Human Rights, We Don’t Waste, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, Cobalt Abortion Fund, The Second Wind Fund, Together Colorado, The Other Side Academy, Immigration Freedom Fund, Rainbow Alley, Holy Redeemer Church, Denver Indian Center, and Minister’s Discretionary Fund.
Colorado Faith Communities United to Prevent Gun Violence is a faith-based organization dedicated reducing injuries, deaths, and the resulting grief caused by the improper use of firearms-whether suicidal, accidental, or criminal through legislative advocacy, public health initiatives, public-awareness and mentoring programs. Our church members volunteer by calling and emailing state and federal legislators about impending bills, and mentoring at-risk youth.
Racial Justice
As a congregation we support Black Lives Matter to help the building of Black communities while eliminating anti-Black violence and racism. We have Studied the UUA’s, “Widening the Circle of Concern” a report based on the insights of UU leaders of color into how the Association could continue moving forward in the midst of these continuing racially charged moments. We formed three Dismantling Racism Study Groups at Columbine to interrupt the workings of racism and transform how people from different racial/ethnic groups understand and relate to one another. Our congregation continues to work toward racial justice and creating a welcoming community for all. In our Columbine Connection weekly email newsletter we provide information about racial justice and ways to get involved. Watch for these opportunities!
Vote Forward
Vote Forward is a non-profit that empowers grassroots volunteers to send letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote. They support our volunteers in writing a heartfelt letter to potential voters with a focus on mobilizing citizens that have been historically been marginalized in the political process – such as people of color, women, and young voters. Our volunteer’s commitment includes printing the letters, inserting a personal, hand-written comment, purchasing stamps and envelopes, and mailing the letters when directed.
Project Angel Heart
Project Angel Heart is an organization that provides nutritious meals to persons with AIDs, cancer, and other life threatening illnesses. Since 2007, Columbine UU Church has been involved with Project Angel Heart by ‘adopting’ a delivery route that we service every Saturday afternoon. The meals Project Angel Heart delivers to clients’ homes are customized so that each client gets the diet they desperately need, given the illness that they have, but often would not have the energy or resources to prepare on their own. Meals are delivered at no cost to the clients.
We are always looking for new volunteers to help us with our Columbine delivery route.
Project Angel Heart has many other volunteer opportunities down at their office and kitchen. If you are interested in these other volunteer positions, please contact Project Angel Heart via their website - or by calling 303-830-0202.
Gun Safety
Columbine UU Church belongs to Colorado Faith Communities to End Gun Violence (CFCU)
CFCU is an interfaith coalition of 57 congregations working to decrease gun deaths in Colorado through advocacy, promoting increased gun safety legislation, and working with other state organizations to reduce gun violence among youth. CFCU keeps current on important issues and encourages its members to take action by calling, writing or emailing our Colorado legislators. Beside keeping us current on legislation, CFCU presents speakers, workshops and other educational opportunities to learn about preventing gun violence. In Dr. King’s words, "We need to feel the ‘fierce urgency of now.’ Because people are dying, and the constant excuses for inaction no longer suffice.”
Gun violence and gun safety issues have been a concern of our church since the Columbine High School shootings that occurred so close to us and deeply affected our community and congregation.